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Sculpture & Glass
Ted Jeremenko

Ted Jeremenko Paintings

Ted Jeremenko Serigraphs

 Ted Jeremenko is one of the masters of Americana in the art world today. His paintings transcend those of a purely primitive or naïve painter by creating for the viewer a sense of timelessness and serenity. His vision is one of harmony, in which nature and humanity are bonded by a spirit of coexistence and peacefulness, making a world perhaps not as it is, but certainly as we would like it to be.

Ted’s frequent subject matter, including lighthouses, barns, cottages and village scenes, reflect a passion for simplistic, elegant architecture that derives its strength from the environment around it. From years of preserving houses on the coast of Long Island, he has developed and nurtured a sense of craftsmanship that is related in the details of his paintings, from the gentle curve on the top of a window frame, to the symmetry and stature of a beacon light in a distant lighthouse.

In Ted’s paintings, man made structures always work within the context of the natural scene. “I try to use color,” Ted says, “to define light and form.” In a personal and sophisticated way, subtle changes in his palette create the differing seasons, as well as the nebulous time between the seasons. From sunsets to sunrises, calm clear moonlit evenings to foreboding skies, we respond on an emotional level to a moment captured in eternity.

Perhaps the most beautiful element in Ted’s work is his treatment of foliage. By using a full range of hues and complimentary colors, his trees, bushes, and grass acquire a depth that is very painterly, yet precise in its drawing. Again the sense of seasonal change is achieved by the merest shift in his palette, like the brilliance of warm red leaves forecasting the change from summer to autumn.

Ted came from Yugoslavia to America when he was twelve years old, growing up in Philadelphia. In his mid-twenties, he moved to New York City, beginning a successful career in the computer and banking industries, but starting in any free time to paint. In the grand tradition of many important American artists, he was completely self-taught. “I paint primarily for myself”, Ted says, “but it is very gratifying to know that my artwork touches other people.” Following a tremendous reaction at the first exhibition of his paintings, he decided to devote more of his energies to his painting.

His artwork quickly gained a national audience, and its attending success allowed him to settle in the East Hampton area of Long Island, to dedicate his full attention to his paintings. Since the mid 1980’s, he has developed a relationship with Chameleon Editions, a fine art atelier near New York City. Together, they have created serigraphs of extraordinary beauty. By refining a hand done printing craft, Ted has been able to achieve prints that are a perfect complement to his paintings, creating images that attain his vision of capturing the beauty of nature.

Additional selections may be available at the gallery. 

Pricing available upon request.